Tuesday, September 3, 2019

                                               EVS Practice Sheet of L.1(Our Body)
Q1. Unscramble the given words:
a.     onesb  -
b.     onsjit  -
c.      brain –
d.     mslsuce –
e.     eecsxrie –

Q2.  Tick the correct option:
a.     We can see with our ears / eyes.
b.     Parts which we can see are called internal / external body parts.
c.      Tongue helps us to identify taste / smell food .
d.     The skin helps us to see / feel
e.     A good posture / bad posture keeps our muscles and bones in proper shape.

Q3. Complete the following sentences:
a.     Kidneys remove                                                                . 
b.     Heart pumps                                                               .  
c.      Muscles are attached to bones and help                                                    .  
d.     Organs which we can see are called                                                           .
e.      Exercise and sleeping well keeps                    .
f.       Lungs help us                  .
Q4. Circle the correct option:
a.     Which of the following is not a sense organ
                               I.            Ear
                             II.            Hair
b.     Which organ is protected by skull
                               I.            Stomach
                             II.            Brain
c.      Which of the following organs is located in chest
                               I.            Lungs
                             II.            Kidneys

d.     Which of the following is not present in pair in the body
                               I.            Hands
                             II.            Heart
e.     The nose gives us a sense of
                               I.            Sight
                             II.            Smell
Q5. Ram is a student of class 2. He comes regularly to school. But he feels weak. After going back home. Feeling weak is not common in his age group. As a friend what would you suggest him?
                   I.            Ram should eat healthy food and exercise daily to build strong bones and muscles.
                 II.            Ram should stop coming to school.

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