Thursday, November 28, 2019

EVS Practice sheet of L-14 Plants

EVS Practice Sheet OF L-14 Plants.

1.    Fill in the blanks:

a.     _______ makes food for the plants.

b.    _______ is the most attractive part of the plant.

c.     Leaves make food using ______,_______and ______.

d.    Seeds grow into__________ .

e.     ______ of flowers attract animals and insects towards them.

f.       Plants give us _________ for breathing.

2.    Name the following:

a.     Any two roots that we eat–

b.    Any two seeds that we eat–

c.     Any two stem that we eat–

d.    Any two leaves that we eat-

e.     Any five things that we get from plants-

3.Answer the following:

1.    Write any two uses of the plants.

2.    In which part of the plant food is prepared?

3.    What are the things that plants need to grow?

4.    What is it- fruit, stem, root, leaf, seed or flower?

·       Banana-
·       Pea-
·       Peas-
·       Beetroot-
·       Wheat-
·       Sugarcane-
·       Cabbage-
·       Pulses-
·       Apple-
·       Cauliflower-

5.    Complete the following sentences:

a.     The stem helps a plant to ____________________

b.    Tulsi plant gives us_______-.

c.     The widest tree in the world ____________is located in ________.

d.    Fruits keep us____________.

e.     The function of root is______________.

f.       We should plants more trees because____________

6.    Write True or False:

a.     All flowers turn into fruits. (    )

b.    We get tea from the leaves of tea plant.(  )

c.     Fibres are used to make furniture.(    )

d.    We get oil from the seeds of sunflower and mustard plant.(  )

e.     Leaves may be called “The kitchen of plants”.(     )

f.       Plants make the air around us dirty.  (    )

7.    Draw a plant and label its different parts.

EVS Notebook notes of L-14 Plants

L-14 - Plants
v New Words:-

1. shoot   
2. absorb  
3. minerals 
 4. lettuce  
5. Mimosa
6. attractive  
7. broccoli   
8. poisonous   
9. protection  
10. jute

11. medicines

12. tulsi

13. cough

14. meals

15. villages

16. oxygen

17. basket

18. function

19. ginger


v     Fill in the blanks :-

1.  The part of plant that grows below the ground is called root.

2.   The root absorbs water and minerals from the soil.

3.  The stem helps the plant to stand straight.

4.  Leaves make food for the plant.

5.  The Great Banyan tree is 250 years old.

6.  The part of plant that grows above the ground is called shoot.

vWrite any two examples for the following :

1.  Roots we eat - carrot , beetroot

2.  Stems we eat – potato , ginger

3.  Leaves we eat – spinach , cabbage

4.  Flowers we eat – broccoli , cauliflower

5.  Seeds we eat – peas , rice

Match the following:-

               A                                            B
1. Fibre
a. Tulsi 
2. Medicine
b. to breathe
3. Wood
c. cotton
4. Rubber
d. Kolkata
5. Bamboo
e. furniture
6. Oxygen
f. baskets   
7. The Great Banyan tree
g. footwear
Ans - 1---, 2---, 3--- , 4---, 5---, 6--- ,7---- (students will write by their own).

v H.W

Draw /stick a picture of plant and label the parts of the plant.-

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

 पाठ: चिड़ा, खरगोश और बिल्ली
कठिन शब्द











शब्द                   अर्थ

चिडा                   पक्षी

फ़सल                  उपज, पैदावार

खुशी                   आनंद

काफ़ी                  बहुत

गुस्सा                  क्रोध

शत्रु                    दुश्मन

मदद                   सहायता

करीब                   पास

> दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए-

प्रश्न क) चिड़ा खेत में क्यों रहने लगा ?
उत्तर-   चिड़ा खेत में खाने - पीने की मौज में रहने लगा।

प्रश्न ख) चिड़ा और खरगोश की बहस किस बात पर         हुई?

 उत्तर-  चिड़ा और खरगोश की बहस घोंसला छोड़ने की बात पर हुई।               

प्रश्न ग) चिड़ा और खरगोश बिल्ली के पास क्यों गए ?

उत्तर-  चिड़ा और खरगोश बिल्ली के पास न्याय माँगने के लिए गए।

प्रश्न घ)बिल्ली ने चिड़ा और खरगोश के साथ क्या किया ?

उत्तर-  बिल्ली ने चिड़ा और खरगोश को जान से मार डाला।

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Monday, November 25, 2019

1.Add the suffix ‘ed ‘ and ‘ing’ in the following word and make a new word .

light                         design
 order                      change
lead                         occupy
 manage                suppose
follow                    require
rule                        observe
 organise                direct  
play                        care
 wash                     harm
 correct                 select
decide                      paint
sharp                      speak
count                       laugh
 crush              communicate
celebrate                   scrape
 wonder                 examine
 walk                         pick
 hurry                      hope
train                        involve
 colour                      draw
jump                           farm