Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Two Little Kittens (S.S)
New Words

1. stormy - affected by storms

2. quarrel  - to fight

3. snapped - suddenly spoke in anger

4. seized - held tightly, grabbed

5. Crept- crawl or move slowly on the ground

Answer the following questions  :
1.      Why were the two kittens fighting?
Ans: The two little kittens were fighting             
       because one had a mouse and the other     
       had    none.

2.        How did the two kittens creep in?

Ans: The two kittens crept in as quiet as mice.                            

      3 .What was the ground covered with?

Ans: The ground was covered with snow and frost .

Make sentences :
1.             quarrel: I feel sad when I quarrel with my friend .

2.          stormy:  Yesterday night it was very  


3.seized : When I saw the crowd I seized my mother’s hand.

Friday, July 26, 2019

                                           EVS Practice sheet
                                       L-6 People Who Help US

vFill in the blanks-

1.   A                               sells medicines.
2.The _______mends your shoes.
3.A______ repairs vehicles.
       4.A________ sells different kinds of flowers and bouquets.
       5. A                            sells things we need everyday like soap,shampoo,spices,oil etc.      

Match the following:
grocery shop
eggs, soap, toothpaste
stationery shop
potatoes, tomatoes, apples
books, pens, pencils
green grocer
biscuits and cakes
milk vendor
milk and paneer
chemist’s shop

v     What tools do they use...?
1.Tailor –
2. Carpenter –
 3. Barber –
4. teacher –
5. baker-

L-6 People Who Help Us
New Words
2. plough
5. domestic helper
6. sewing machine                      
7. delivery                                   
8. traffic police                            
9. newspapers                          
12. community
13. ladders
14. florist
15. bouquet
16. service
17. vendor
18. barber
19. cobbler
20. tractor
·      From where do you buy these
1. Grains and pulses - grocery shop
2. Pen and notebooks- stationery shop
3. Milk, bread and butter-milk vendor’s shop
4. Medicines- chemist’s shop

1. Police - 100
2. Fire station   - 101
3. Ambulance -108/102

Fill in the Blanks
1. The cobbler mends your shoes.
2. A baker uses a rolling pin and a whisk.
3. We know the latest news by reading the newspaper.
4.The policemen maintain law and order.
Answer the following :-
Q1. What tools does a fire fighters uses to put out fires?
Ans) The fire fighters use fire engines  and hose pipe to put out fires.
Q2. What does a mechanic do?
Ans) (Students will write by their own).
Draw and name any 3 tools used by community helpers.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

      Bapu’s Chappal (S.S)
      Worthwhile Words :-
1      ordinary  -                  normal.
2.         dhoti                  -        piece of cloth tied by                    
                                       man around the waist.
3.      spectacles        -            glasses.
4.      chappals -                     slippers.
5.       peace                          calm or quiet.
6. board                 -   get on a vehicle.
7. arrived               -   reached.
    8.amazed     -              surprised.
Answer the following:-
Q.1   Who is the father of the nation?
Ans       :  Mahatma Gandhi is the father of the nation.
Q.2   By what name did  the followers call Gandhi ji?
Ans:  The followers of Gandhi ji called him ‘Bapu’.
Q.3   How did Gandhi ji lose his slipper?
Ans:  His slipper slipped out of his foot while he was boarding the train.
Q.4  Why did Gandhi ji throw the second slipper too?
Ans:  He threw his second slipper too so that the poor man walking on the track could use both his chappals.
Make sentences:
spectacles:-I lost my spectacles.
huge:-We have a huge play ground in  our school.
threw:-I threw the rotten apple away.

Draw /paste the picture of Gandhiji in the note book and complete the mind map given on page no 22 in Eng book. (S.S )

Monday, July 22, 2019


Circle the Odd Numbers 

101    144   156   478   111   125   477   100  456   489   444   505 

902   108   115   433   764 

More than less than 

100 more than 450  = 

200 less than   500 = 

50 more than  700 = 

write in ascending order 

450  543  100  254  789   654   123   332 421  107 110 


524   745  115  987   654  321   105   432   741  851  101


423   151   108    476    321   213   576   876    900    789  


Expanded form 

234  --------------------------------------------

678 --------------------------------------------

297 --------------------------------------------

871 --------------------------------------------------------

Which letter is in second place ------------------ 

write the last letter --------------------

M is in which place ------------------------- 

How many letters are there ---------------------

Is it even or odd --------------------------------- 

Write the numbers from 450 - 750 

Write the standard form 

200 + 30 + 3 = 

400+50+6 = 


700+ 20+ 7 = 

70+ 2 =

80+ 5 = 

100 + 100 +70+ 4 =

100 + 10+5 = 

100+100+100+10+ 10+5 = 

Write the backward numbers 
from 900 to 600 

Draw beads on abacus and represent  

782 ------------------ 




Thursday, July 18, 2019

Practice sheet L.5 Safety Rules
Ø     Tick the correct option.
1)   While riding a motorbike or bicycle we must wear
a)   Seat belt   b) helmet
        2) We should carry with us while travelling in a vehicle.
              a) first aid box     b) school bag
        3) We should cross the road at
             a)  traffic signals    b) zebra crossing
      4) While going to the play ground
             a) walk in a queue    b) hold hands and run

Ø Answer the following :

1)   Where should we walk on the road?
2)   Name the objects we should not play with at home.
3)   Draw the traffic signal and label it.

Ø Write true or false.
1)    We must play with fire.
2)   Orange light of the traffic signal says ‘be ready’.
3)   We should not play with fire.
4)   We should touch electric wires.
5)   We must stand in a queue while boarding a bus.
6)   Loud noise is not good for our ears.
7)   We should not jump on the benches.
8)   I take medicines myself.
9)   Green signal tells us to stop.
10)         Never play with sharp objects like knife and scissors.

Complete the sentences:

1) Help given immediately to an injured or sick person is known as_________________ .
2) While driving the car we must wear the ___________ .
3) Red light at signals indicates _______________ .

Practice Sheet – L-5 Safety Rules

·       Fill in the blanks:-
1.    We should cross the road at _______________.
2.    We should walk on the ________________.
3.    Help given immediately to an injured or a sick person is known as ___________.
4.    We should wear ______________ while travelling in a car.
5.    We should wear a _____________ while riding a motorbike.

·       Match the following:

      A                                                              B
1.    Red traffic light                       a. vehicles are ready to go
2.    Green traffic light                   b. vehicles stop
3.    Yellow traffic light                   c. vehicles can go

·        Write true or false.
1)    We must play with fire. -----
2)   Orange light of the traffic signal says ‘be ready’.-------
3)   We should not play with fire.------
4)   We should touch electric wires.------
5)   We must stand in a queue while boarding a bus.-------
6)   Loud noise is not good for our ears.--------

L-5    Safety  Rules
·    New Words:
1.                safety
2.                stranger
3.                matchbox
4.                electric
5.                neighbour
6.                medicine
7.                vehicles
8.                travel
9.               traffic rules
10.       immediately
11.        switches
12.       helmet
13.       zebra crossing
14.       riding
15.       first aid
16.       socket
17.       footpath
18.       symbols
19.       seat belt
20.       pavement

Fill in the blanks:
1)          We should not take medicines on our own.
2)         We should cross the road at the zebra crossing.
3)         Always use the footpath while walking on the road.
4)         We must stand in a queue at the bus stop.
5)  While travelling in a car we must wear the seatbelt.

·    Write  any 2 safety rules that you follow in the school.(Students will write by their own)
ANS)  1.

·    Draw and colour the traffic light.