Friday, February 21, 2020

EVS Practice sheet of L.19


v     Fill in the blanks :

1. All the planets are part of the ______.

2. The sun gives us ___ and            .

3. Sun looks like a huge ball of _______.

4. The planet with rings is                  .

v     write true or false

1. There are 10 planets in our solar system_____.

2.  Planets have light and heat of their own_____.

3. Earth is the third planet from the sun____.

4. All planets move around the sun_____.

5. The moon is not seen during the night____.

v     Unscramble the letters and make correct word :

1.          ATOSRNTUA -
2.          ONOM-
3.          ETLLISATE-
4.          RTEAH-
5.          TNECSERC-

v     Complete the sentences-

1.          The planet closest to the sun is _________.

2.          The sun gives us ___________.

3.          The sun is a ________.

4.          When the moon appears half, it is called ________.

5.          All planets move                         .

v     Name the following-

1.          Smallest planet-

2.          Huge ball of fire-

3.          Third planet from the sun-

4.          Largest planet-

v     Answer the following-

1.          What is a full moon?
2.          What is solar system?
3.          Name the three phases of the moon.
4.          Why the moon is called the natural satellite of the earth?
5.          Write name of the planets in their correct order.

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