Tuesday, March 3, 2020

EVS Practice sheet of L-20

EVS Practice sheet of L-20  Mapping My Way

·       Abidoo has a map of farm house.



   ·         Help him to find the location of :

a) The cow  : _______

    b)The hens :________

    C) The house  : _______

    d) Gate of the farm : ________

·       Write true or false :

1)   There are four main directions. –

2)   The sun rises in the west. –

3)   Maps are a drawing that helps to find the way. –

4)   We need dictionary to reach a new place. –

·       Fill in the blanks:

1)   __________ are marked on the map.

2)   The state Gujarat is in the ____________ direction.

3)   The sun sets in __________.

4)   Without ________ we would get lost.

·       Answer the following :

1)   How Google maps are helpful?

2)   How many directions are there?

3)   What helps you to tell the directions?

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